Screw that Mentality of "Stranger Danger"

There's a massive problem with the phrase "stranger danger," not only does this send people into panic and paranoia, the phrase refrains an individual from exercising their full potential in communication.

The phrase is coined to prevent children from being abducted by child predators, but it's been a term that's misconstrued into adulthood. The individual loses the ability to see a stranger without prejudice. They have completely accepted the mentality of "stranger danger" which diminished altruism. Why would anyone want to care for a stranger? 


I love communicating with strangers, in fact, I don't see people as strangers; what I see is an individual I'd love to converse with. A potential friend. Someone with a story. Someone I could learn from. But seriously think of the life they have lived so far and the stories they'll share. Be friendly and be kind. The most beautiful entity in the world is love and friendship. Always with respect.  


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